Case Knives Acrylic Knife Stand X-Large 09065 2x knife stand
Case Knives Acrylic Knife Stand X-Large 09065 2x knife stand
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Full description
The Case Knives Acrylic Knife Stand X-Large 09062 2x is a set of two knife stands for very large knives. Think, for instance, of the Large Folding Hunter. The shape of the stands might look a little funny at first. Case, however, designed the stands as such that you can also put a half open knife on top, to properly look at all the blades. Because they are transparent, light will nicely pass through them in a display case onto the underlying shelves. Clever! These case knife stands are a must-have for every Case enthusiast.
80 g
Also popular
General information
Dimensions & weight
15,2 cm
9,8 cm
80 g
11,7 cm
Features & functions
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Case Knives Acrylic Knife Stand X-Large 09065 2x knife stand
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